Depending on the level of accuracy you intending for your restoration, or more accurately stated "the level of authentically reproducing the status of the original", the more documentation you will be required to locate. IPB's (Integrated Parts Break-downs) only show you part numbers and each parts relative positions in the machine. They almost never indicate the manufacturer's practices in assembling the machines, nor do they normally give any dimensional data. Many of these things you will need to find on your own either through research or asking questions on public forums dedicated to the purpose.
Don't underestimate the value of the bulletin boards (such as RedSquare, MyTractorForum, and
, among many others) for the invaluable information you can receive which is not publicly available through other sources. Do your research and collect your resource documentation before you start the restoration, as this information will insure you accomplish the correct level of authenticity you desire.
The following documents and source information is used as reference materials for this restoration: