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Steering Wheel Restoration
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RJ / Suburban Steering Wheel Restoration

I am going to start a topic here and ask for inputs from all users with specific knowledge or comments concerning the same. I will use the encompassing information in a presentation of the topic both here and in "other" publications.


The RJ 58 I restored a few years ago presented may problems to work out. One of them was the steering wheel. The original steering wheel, in its "as found" condition, could not be used with the restored tractor due to several fairly major splits and cracks present. Below is an image of the original wheel as it existed on the machine when it was brought home from TN.

The image above shows a crack at the intersection of the spoke with the underlying rim. The pencil indicates the end of the longest side of the crack. The opposite side is clearly visible to the left of the spoke.

Last Updated: 2011-12-04 13:19:55 (13636 views)