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Vendor Sales

Free Direct Selling for Vendors Without a Dedicated Website

How it works:


Once you review and agree to our Terms of Service agreement, you may begin submitting products for posting on this page. You will need to send a picture (or pictures) of the product along with a description, price and PayPal button code (either "Buy Now" or "Add to Cart"). We will post the offering as soon as possible. That's it, pretty simple.

MyWheelHorse.com is offering a FREE Service to all Vendor''s and Supplier''s of Wheel Horse good and services free of charge. If you meet the below listed criteria, and you are interested in selling your offerings directly to your target audience, please contact us for further details.

  • You are solely a vendor/supplier of Wheel Horse Goods or Services.
  • \r\n
  • You wish to target your Wheel Horse Products audience directly.
  • \r\n
  • You are a manufacturer, vendor, or supplier of Wheel Horse parts or related services.
  • \r\n
  • You do not have more than a one (1) page website dedicated to the sale of the items/services you wish to post here.
  • \r\n
  • You have an existing, or are willing to get on your own, a PayPal® or other similar payment processor account.
  • \r\n

Contact Us to day for details and information - CLICK HERE


Below is a SAMPLE advertisement we will post for each vendor product:



\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
{ITEM Picture} \r\n

Item Description:


{Item Description Goes Here}


{Price Per Unit}

{SECURE PayPal Button here, payable to YOUR PayPal account}


Copyright © by The Wheel Horse Tractor Manual and Documentation Website - My Wheel Horse dot Com All Rights Reserved.

Published on: 2009-10-11 (29022 reads)

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