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What's it Worth?

What is your Wheel Horse Tractor Worth In Resale?


What's it worth?


Ah, the question we all love to hate! MyWheelHorse.com has been asked to host a rather useful tool. We would like to gather and trend Wheel Horse Tractor sales in a totally anonymous way. We will be adding a form soon, which will enable the user to to upload tractor information information and sale price in a totally anonymous manner. Even though you must be logged into the website, and this is for website security reasons, the form and data collected will not be associated with your log-in or user account in any way.


Why collect the data? Many of us know that the price of a machine depends on who is buying it, who is selling it, where in the country the sale is located, and what the economy is doing at that particular moment. We would like to trend some of these values and map them out for the general membership to view. Hopefully this could end the question of "What's it worth?" once and for all.


Check back often as the form will eventually appear here, and thank you for stopping by.



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Published on: 2009-09-28 (62917 reads)

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