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b. Electro-Chemical Stripping Process

Rust removal by electrolytic action is the act of placing a steel part in a plastic vat of electrolyte solution and passing an electrical  current through the part. The electrical current causes the rust to be chemically altered leaving the good un-rusted metal intact. For further information on methods and safety precautions on using this method it is HIGHLY ADVISED that you review the following web page. Click Here to view the web page on electrolyte cleaning


I have found the easiest way to make an electrolyte bath is to use a 5 gallon plastic bucket or a 30 gallon garbage can dedicated to teh purpose. Using the 30 gallon bucket as an example I line the interior with automotive sheet metal in one continuous ring. I then use plastic retainer fence to make another ring inside of the sheet metal to protect parts from shorting to the steel sheet. Fill the bucket with 5 gallons of water and 5 table spoons of baking soda and mix thoroughly. Connect the positive lead from a 2 Amp battery charger to the sheet metal, and the negative lead to the steel part hanger wire, and suspend the part fully immersed in the solution. When you turn on the charger the part will begin to bubble and you know the process is working. Soak times are between a few hours to 24 hours depending on the amount of rust to be removed. Leaving the part in longer than necessary will not hurt the part, but once removed from the bath the part will begin to rust almost immediately. You must clean the part well with clean warm water and dry as fast as you can. Once cleaned and dried, parts must be primed or lubricated as soon as possible, and no more than 1 hour after dry.


Last Updated: 2010-01-01 18:27:22 (55 views)