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Warning: Documents on this site MAY NOT be used for Re-Sale
These documents are for personal use ONLY!

1-2.  01.02 - About This Website
01.02 - About This Website
    Why are we doing this?

Almost everyone we have ever met loves free stuff.
We do too!

When many of us first started out in the "Wheel Horse World" we got roped into buying a manual off eBay at some ridiculous price, because we could not find it anywhere else. Truth be known. I once bought a four-page RJ-58 Manual off eBay for $15.00, and was pissed when I received a photo copy in the mail. To make matters worse, I later found that the manual previously sent to me was a print-out of a manual hidden somewhere on the Inteet for free. I now have taken matters into my own hands and vowed to do all I could to keep others from making that same mistake.

This website's purpose is to collect, digitize, categorize and archive all documents related to Wheel Horse Lawn and Garden Tractors and Equipment. From the tractors themselves, to the engines, implements and trouble-shooting aids. Whatever we can locate or is donated by users like you, and that which we believe will be useful to another Wheel Horse Tractor owner or collector, we will post on this site for the free access of the public.

You can help too! This site lives on the generous donation of many peoples time, effort, and in some cases even copies of their own paper manuals, and we depend on the Inteet community of Wheel Horse owners and collectors in order to create and grow this valuable documentation resource. Through the submissions of Wheel Horse Owners and Collectors around the world, we will do our best to create the most comprehensive and inclusive Wheel Horse Document Archive possible.

We thank you for visiting. We hope we will assist you in your document needs. And we also hope that you will "pay-it-forward" by helping us to locate documents for the next visitor of this site.

RJ58 - Mike
Site Owner & Creator
S/E - PA


File naming conventions used on this site:
Product Line: i.e. "Tractor", "Engine", "SnowThrower", "Mower", etc.
First Year of Manufacture or Manual Year of Print: i.e. Four digits as in "1955", 1992-93", etc. When multiple non-contiguous years are encountered, use 1955-57-59 method.
Model Name: i.e. RJ-58, Lawn Range, etc. Use the description from the manual cover with dashes between words.
Model Number: Use the Model number(s) as printed on the manual cover, separated by dashes if multiple numbers are listed.
Manual Title: Name from manual front cover with multiple words separated by dashes. Can use abbreviations for long words, no non-alpha-numeric characters in names.
Manual/Document "Form Number":
(from bottom right coer of the front or back cover)
Most Wheel Horse Products manuals have a "Form Number" listed in the lower right coer of the page. i.e. A-5273

The resulting file name should look like this:


Since all other information is known, but there was no manual Form Number on the original document, the file would be named as depicted above.

Last Updated: 2017-05-14 11:11:24 (2095 views)